The first time I heard the term «MOOC» was during the beginning of the Master’s, it was Dr Lisa Harris who spoke about it for a while, mentioning the importance of participating in it within the course. By that moment I felt quite curious about it, and I instantly looked up for the meaning of its initials, after reading them I started to imagine a world of possibilities.

The word Massive specifically highlighted the whole meaning to me, would it be a series of live video streaming lectures that could be watched from people all over the world whilst users shared their comments and beliefs while being answered simultaneously by educators? I didn’t know exactly what to expect.

In Mexico online courses aren’t the first option for students in terms of learning, one reason for this is the low quality of the education in terms of the use of technology in both private and public sectors. One thing I can rescue from this is that the MOOC’s incentivize the use of digital means and enhance the importance of the technology for the future of education.

By the moment I started participating within the modules I realized my assumptions weren’t far from reality, however as the weeks passed my expectations for my first MOOC lowered.

My observations land in the platform’s functionality, I consider it can be significantly improved to achieve a more meaningful interaction in order to build a higher interpersonal communication online; it can be based in the Facebook’s user friendly algorithm. For example, to consider the possibility of mentioning someone with the «@», showing who liked your comments and sharing the most relevant comments for you.

On the other hand, talking about the content of the information inside the platform I could perceive an evident effort from the learners towards the structure and the narrative of the information and the general encouragement towards the learners to express their thoughts.

For this being my first time studying in the UK I’ve already experienced a new way of learning which challenges my capabilities and that includes the participation in the MOOC as well. From what I’ve learned, the more the education is being shared, the richer it gets, I consider that the spirit of education itself is to be opened to the community.

I believe that the MOOC’s model of education has quite of potential regarding the   immediacy of the information and the reach of the material. However, I consider that it will hardly replace the great value of traditional education such as live lectures.

I consider that education is directly attached with emotions, at the end of the day the knowledge is shared between two human beings and that bond is what makes learning valuable. Open online courses are just a communication channel to exploit the share of knowledge but the authentic meaning of learning face to face is feeling the lecturer’s passion to give away the information for the learners to take away for their entire life.

7 comentarios en “My MOOC mood

  1. We never know if one day physical courses will be suspended or not, could you imagine 20 years ago that in 2015 every students would write their courses on a computer ? I think it’s the mentality of people which make them accept or not to bring a new technology in their everyday life. The questions are: When will they be ready to change their mentality? Who will the first to change their perception about online courses and physical courses? Maybe we’ll be surprised to see that our children find it normal to have only courses online!

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    1. Actually while I was reading your reply I was thinking about the fact that even for taking notes during lectures we usually use our laptops or other technology gadget (at least from what I have seen in my Bachelors and Masters). Technology has become our most reliable tool for our academic development and I dare to say that it will become the only one in a near future. The traditional resources such as notebooks and pens will become obsolete. I’m being skeptical about this happening to live lectures, in my blog post I say I can hardly seeing this happening, but that doesn’t stop me from wondering if human beings will become obsolete in personally educating others.

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  2. Online courses are easy to access and have a fun meaning behind it. As it is a course that you could be participating in and engaging with anytime you want with no time limit to a certain point. yes. indeed we had a week of a time limit to finish a chapter of the course. However, it still has more flexibility than the lectures being scheduled in certain times during the semester/year.
    I am with you on the point stated where traditional teaching may be a little impossible to be replaced by online courses, I for me prefer traditional teaching for the experience and the sociability of the class. but we can never know, can we?

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  3. Indeed Aya, we can find multiple positive aspects about online courses, considering the wider reach and the freedom of time you can spend on them. I consider that online courses are a very good option for people who don’t have the time needed to attend live lecture courses. The role of technology in the education field is becoming more and more crucial every time due to the practical and didactic aspects. Imagine this: if the young adults as us are being witnesses of technology start to rule our education, how will our kids end up learning?

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  4. Hey Fernanda,

    Yes, There are some disadvantages of MOOC compares to casual class.
    For me, I miss the emotional relation between lecturer and student. Also, how we evaluate our understanding from MOOC, unlike in class we gain direct feedback from our tutor. It is just simple reflection, I wrote it here

    Also I agree, that MOOC function should be like social media, that enable to mention and get notification.

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  5. To be honest I think free education should be more accessible to people who cant afford it. Ff you think about the MOOC, I feel it’s a let down rather than an incentive; One would need a computer, then a proper speed to watch videos, kind of sounds it’s missing the point why it’s free. I would think that Mexico is not focused on technology based learning because of the poverty rate, I don’t think the MOOC will make a pc/mac or internet more affordable in that case, kinda disagree with you on that point. Feel free to prove me wrong.

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    1. I think you have good points here: For example as you mention, free education like the MOOC is opened just to certain group of people who belong to a social level and therefore immediately excludes people who can’t have access to the required tools. Unfortunately Mexico’s poverty is one of the highest worldwide, that’s the reason why a MOOC program wouldn’t apply to the majority of the population. The government is making its effort though, focusing in improving the study plans and increasing the demand of the academic levels of the lecturers.

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